Plagiarism checker

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Plagiarism Checker

Plagiarism is a massive issue for many students. Not only is it difficult to avoid it intentionally, but it is also relatively simple to include it unintentionally. Educational institutions often penalize plagiarized content, which is why students always aim to detect plagiarism in their papers and correct it before submitting them.

The main problem is that even after detecting plagiarized content manually, there could still be some pieces of text in your work that could be plagiarized. This is why it is worth trying to detect the plagiarism automatically with the help of a plagiarism checker. An excellent online plagiarism checker could help you identify any pieces of plagiarism that are still left in your paper and then address them before producing the final version of your paper.

Our free online plagiarism checker will help you check for plagiarism in your paper and quickly handle it before you send your completed assignment to your teacher or professor. A plagiarism-free paper written well will help you get a good grade and maintain an excellent academic track record.

What Is Plagiarism?

So, what exactly is plagiarism? To put it simply, plagiarized content or plagiarism involves presenting someone else’s work and ideas as your own. This can be done either intentionally or unintentionally, with or without the author’s consent, by including their work without fully crediting or acknowledging the author.

The biggest problem for students when it comes to plagiarism is that it is relatively easy to have plagiarized content in your paper without intending to. It could be a matter of coming up with the idea that someone thought of before you without crediting that person. Or you could read about an idea and then write about it without crediting that person. Or you could simply paraphrase someone else’s words poorly.

Educational institutions, especially those that offer higher education, are generally quite strict regarding plagiarism. Some go as far as kicking out the student who plagiarized someone else’s work (or even plagiarized their work). This is why it is essential to perform a thorough plagiarism check before submitting your assignment to your instructor.

What Are the Types of Plagiarism?

As explained above, there are different ways in which you could plagiarize someone else’s work. You could be doing it intentionally or unintentionally, so understanding the different types of plagiarism will help you detect plagiarism more effectively (both manually and with the help of a plagiarism detector). Here are the main types of plagiarism and how they occur:

  • Self-Plagiarism – It may seem surprising that you could plagiarize yourself, but that could happen. This kind of plagiarism occurs when you use your old thoughts and work on a new paper. For example, suppose you published academic articles on a specific topic and are now writing a new article on the same topic where you are reusing your old thoughts and ideas. In that case, you will need to credit your work and any other relevant works.
  • Paraphrasing Plagiarism – This type of plagiarism happens quite often, and many students don’t even realize they are plagiarizing by paraphrasing. If you change a few words without crediting the author of a piece of text, that is considered plagiarism. Moreover, it could be considered plagiarism if you take a piece of text and change a few words while referencing it as a paraphrased piece of text. Why? Because you didn’t paraphrase enough to make it different from a quote while crediting it as a paraphrased piece of text.
  • Lack of Citations – If you don’t include the sources you used for specific quotes, it will be considered plagiarism. You could also use incorrect or make-up sources, which is considered source-based plagiarism. Another example of plagiarism is when you use a secondary source for information while only crediting the primary source.
  • Accidental Plagiarism – By far the most elusive type of plagiarism, accidental plagiarism occurs for various reasons. It is unintentional yet can have the same consequences as intentional plagiarism. Perhaps you forgot to cite a source, didn’t cite it correctly, or forgot to add quotation marks around a quote. All of these will still be considered plagiarism.

How Does the Plagiarism Checker Work?

Our free plagiarism checker is relatively easy to use. It is probably the most straightforward plagiarism tool you will come across. Nevertheless, here’s a step-by-step breakdown of how to use our plagiarism software to check for plagiarism in your paper:

  1. Enter the Text Title – First, enter the title of your text into the appropriate field of the online plagiarism checker.
  2. Paste Your Text or Upload a Document – Second, paste the text of your paper into the plagiarism detector. Alternatively, you can upload the document with your paper into the plagiarism tool.
  3. Check Your Text for Plagiarism – Click the “Check for Plagiarism” button to perform the plagiarism check of your text.
  4. Get Your Plagiarism Report – After a few moments, the plagiarism check will be complete, and you will get a report with the percentage of plagiarism in your paper. If you plagiarize text pieces in your paper, you will see their original sources.
  5. Address the Plagiarism – Make the necessary corrections to your text and rerun the plagiarism check to ensure everything is alright. You can also get in touch with our writers and editors to hire a professional who will rewrite your paper for you and eliminate intentional and unintentional plagiarism in your work.

What Is the Difference Between a Plagiarism Detector vs. Manual Checking?

Some students think performing a manual plagiarism check is enough, and they don’t need to use any special plagiarism software. On the other hand, some students believe that only a plagiarism checker can detect all instances of plagiarism in any given paper. Undoubtedly, both have their pros and cons:

Plagiarism Detector

o   PROS:

§  A plagiarism detector will check your text automatically, so you don’t need to do it yourself.

§  Plagiarism software is much faster than a human being, so you can save time when you check plagiarism this way.

o   CONS:

§  Some plagiarism detector tools are paid, so you need to have the money to pay for a plagiarism check.

§  Not every free online plagiarism checker is powerful enough to detect all plagiarism in your text.

Manual Plagiarism Checking

o   PROS:

§  You have complete control over checking your paper for plagiarism.

§  You might be able to find some tricky pieces of plagiarism faster because you wrote the text yourself (e.g., ideas you borrowed from an author you didn’t give credit to).

o   CONS:

§  You might miss pieces of plagiarism that a plagiarism detector will find easily.

§  You will need more time to check for plagiarism in your paper (compared to automatic plagiarism checking).

For Which Papers Can You Use the Plagiarism Checker?

Our free plagiarism checker is versatile so that you can check plagiarism online for pretty much any type of paper. Our plagiarism scanner can check plagiarism in a graduate dissertation, high-school book report, undergraduate essay, and more. Essentially, it is the best plagiarism checker for any type of academic paper.

When developing this plagiarism checker for students, we wanted to ensure that anyone in their educational journey could use this plagiarism detector to help them produce a plagiarism-free paper. This is why our online plagiarism checker can be used for works on different subjects with different levels of complexity.

Why Should You Use This Plagiarism Checker?

We consider our plagiarism detection tool to be the best free plagiarism checker in existence, but why should you agree with this? Our plagiarism checker for students is meant to check plagiarism free of charge so that it can look suspicious to some students. However, this is precisely why our free plagiarism checker is so popular – you don’t need to pay to check for plagiarism in your paper.

Most students don’t have a budget to pay for a plagiarism detection tool, so they need to find a way to check for plagiarism free of charge. We completely understand this, so we have created our free plagiarism checker and encouraged students to use it. You can check for plagiarism in their papers and then rewrite the parts that have plagiarized content. Alternatively, you can contact us after you check for plagiarism and ask our writer to work on your paper.

Why Should You Use Our Writing Services?

After using our online plagiarism checker and rewriting your paper, you might still be unsatisfied. It might be plagiarism-free at this point, but you may still want to improve it, but you don’t know how. In this case, you can get in touch with us after using your plagiarism checker.

We offer different types of writing services that you can use to get a complete, plagiarism-free paper based on the instructions your teacher or professor gave to you. Before we deliver the final paper, we will check for plagiarism and make the necessary adjustments. We also produce completely original works from scratch, so you can be sure your paper will be 100% original and unique.

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How Much Plagiarism Is Considered Plagiarism?

What Are the Consequences of Plagiarism?

Is My Paper Secure with This Plagiarism Checker?

Why Do Originality and Uniqueness of Content Matter?

Who Uses Online Plagiarism Checkers?

Will Citing Sources Help Me Escape Plagiarism?

Can You Detect Plagiarism Manually?