- Category: Education , Literature
- Topic: Learning , Books
1.1] Firstly, it is important to establish what constitutes an effective teacher. An effective teacher is someone who can effectively perform all the necessary activities such as planning, preparing resources, facilitating the learning experience, and providing feedback on the learning outcome.
Effective mathematics teachers believe in the ability of all students to learn mathematics and are committed to providing learning opportunities that challenge and engage all students. They aim to make learners independent, self-directed individuals with positive attitudes towards mathematics.
1.2] Effective teachers use charts and manipulatives in the classroom that inspire students to think mathematically. They provide blocks and charts that aid in tackling different mathematical problems and offer explanations for various mathematical concepts.
Effective classroom management includes creating a clear communication of academic objectives and a supportive learning environment.
1.3] Effective teaching requires clear identification of the mathematical principles to be taught followed by the development of exercises and other learning activities that help learners meet their goals. It is crucial to consider different learning styles and possible challenges that certain concepts may pose.
Assessment and planning are interconnected, and effective mathematics teachers evaluate both cognitive and affective outcomes. Accurate and informative records of learners' progress serve as a basis for future planning.
Learners should acquire the correct language of mathematics and develop number vocabulary, number concepts, calculation and application skills, problem-solving abilities, and analytical skills.
Activity 2.1
Book title: 12 ways to get 11.
Author: Merriam, E.
Year: 1996.
Edition: 1^(st).
Country: America.
Publisher: Aladdin.
The completion terms: Term 1, Term 2, Term 3, Term 4.
Content area: Numbers, operations and relationships.
Specific topic: Whole numbers (addition and subtraction).
The learning objectives are to develop numerical ranges for calculation, understand techniques for addition and subtraction of whole numbers, develop calculation techniques, use a range of techniques to perform and check written and mental calculations of whole numbers including estimation, recognize and use the commutative and associative properties of whole numbers, solve problems in different contexts that involve whole numbers.
This book teaches students various techniques and methods to calculate and manipulate numbers. It aims to develop an understanding of addition and subtraction as well as properties of whole numbers. It also enables students to solve numerical problems involving financial situations.
Activity 2.2
2.1] Assessment of learning is a process that examines the assessment data at the end of the teaching and learning process. It is a summative assessment that typically involves standardized tests used to rank students' achievements.
Evaluating Learning Activities
Solve the following equations to get a total of 16:
1) 14 + _ = 16
2) 20 - _ = 16
3) 6 + _ = 16
4) 10 + _ = 16
5) 16 + 4 - _ = 16
Assessment of Learning Activities
1) How many apples should be added to 5 apples to make a total of 10 apples?
2) What is the number of bananas that needs to be removed to have 20 bananas?
3) If you already have 4 pineapples, how many more pineapples must you add to have a total of 16?