Advantages and Disadvantages of Orthodontic Treatment
  • Category: Health

I am assigned with the identification number 2018/00402 in Group 1. I will be discussing the advantages and disadvantages of orthodontic treatment, including the relationship between orthodontics and gingival health and periodontal problems resulting from orthodontic treatment.

Orthodontic treatment has several advantages that outweigh the disadvantages in most cases. It improves esthetics, which encourages patients to undergo the treatment, leading to better self-confidence and function. However, there are potential dangers of enamel demineralization, tissue damage, root resorption, open gingival embrasures, allergic reactions, and treatment failure associated with it. The orthodontist and the patient can avoid these issues by taking proper precautions and intervening on time. The orthodontist should also inform the patient of the potential hazards and their role in avoiding these negative consequences. The decision to begin orthodontic treatment is a risk-benefit analysis, with the benefits typically outweighing the potential risks.

The relationship between orthodontic treatment and gingival health has been demonstrated, with malocclusion having a significant impact on periodontal health. Improving oral hygiene to offset tooth abnormalities and minimizing occlusal trauma through orthodontic treatment contributes to better oral hygiene and periodontal health. Orthodontic treatment improves periodontal health by encouraging healthy periodontium through straighter teeth that encourage easier cleaning and proper occlusion.

Orthodontic appliances often lead to changes in oral hygiene practices such as brushing, flossing, and periodontal health, which can result in local soft tissue responses in the gingiva. Orthodontic equipment and mechanical techniques can complicate effective orthodontic treatment and good oral hygiene, as the appliances tend to collect plaque and provide barriers that are difficult to clean. Mechanical irritation induced by the band or cement, in addition to retained plaque, is the primary cause of gingival and periodontal inflammation in many orthodontic patients. To avoid irreversible periodontal deterioration, orthodontic banding should be done with great care and combined with excellent dental hygiene.

Gingival abnormalities are linked with orthodontic appliances, but they are typically temporary and resolve on their own or respond to professional oral prophylaxis treatments, according to research. Gingival recession and attachment loss are side effects of orthodontic treatment, but they are not significant risk factors. However, larger quantities of maxillary expansion may result in an increased chance of recession following treatment, and it is often advisable to evaluate thin gingival tissues regularly.

For healthy gingival tissue and to provide orthodontic therapy without periodontal issues, an appropriate amount of connected gingiva is required. With labial physical movement, the gingival edge of the incisors shifted apically, and connective tissue loss occurred in the presence of previous untreated gingival irritation. Gingival recession is a risk if tooth movement is likely to result in a loss of soft tissue thickness, and an alveolar bone dehiscence may have occurred in the presence of inflammation.

Black triangles, or open gingival embrasures, are spaces below the interproximal contact that result in aesthetic and periodontal issues due to chronic food retention.

Adult orthodontic patients, despite their high cosmetic standards, are prone to open gingival embrasures at a remarkably high frequency of 38% to 43.7%. Age, thin periodontal biotype, increased distance from the contact point to the alveolar bone, divergent or triangular shaped crown forms, incisively placed interproximal contact, and root angulation have been noted as major risk factors for black triangles. As claimed by multiple studies, fixing crowded maxillary central incisors has resulted in a black triangle in some cases, especially in one-third of orthodontic patients. Up to 40% of those who have packed central incisors suffer from post-orthodontic black triangles.

When pre-existing gingival recessions are observed before orthodontic treatment, thorough assessment of the therapy's impact should be conducted. If the tooth is designed to move lingually, tooth movement without any additional surgical intervention may treat or at least prevent the recession from becoming worse. If the tooth is to be relocated labially, mucogingival surgery must be scheduled to curb disease progression. Once the wound has healed, orthodontic therapy may commence after three to four months.

Soft tissue grafting is suggested and performed immediately when gingival recession occurs with tooth movement. Orthodontic therapy should be reviewed thoroughly to determine whether to stop or slow down until wound healing is complete. When black triangles are present, periodontal treatment options include papilla preservation or papillae regeneration with soft tissue grafts. Restorative approaches for changing the crown shape are also recommended.

To prevent side effects and ensure predictable and successful treatment outcomes, both the orthodontist and the patient must assess the risks and benefits of the proposed orthodontic therapy before the procedure is started. Orthodontic therapy can be used to enhance facial and dental aesthetics and function in the majority of patients with careful selection, diagnosis, treatment planning, monitoring, prompt intervention, and strong patient cooperation.

In answer to the questions:

1. The primary cause of gingival irritation in orthodontic treatment is mechanical.

2. Gingival recession mostly occurs in the buccal region during orthodontic treatment.

3. Black triangles can be treated with soft tissue grafts and restorative approaches.

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