Alcohol and Tobacco Use Among Campus Students
  • Category: Food , Health

Assignment 3: Understanding the Types, Forms, and Risks of Alcohol and Tobacco Use among Campus Students

Alcohol Use among Campus Students: Types, Forms, and Risks

Alcohol is one of the most common substances used by students in campus. There are three main types of alcohol, which include Methyl alcohol, Isopropyl, and Ethyl. Methyl alcohol is used in the production of plastics, solvents, pain removers, and other chemicals, and is not recommended for human consumption. Isopropyl alcohol is usually used to disinfect tools, surfaces, and wounds. Ethyl alcohol, on the other hand, is commonly used by students for recreational purposes as it can alter one's behavior and intoxicate the person. However, its misuse poses several risks to students' health and is also a leading cause of crimes and injuries among youth, according to research. When consumed excessively, it can lead to addiction and affect their academic performance.

Tobacco Use among Campus Students: Types, Forms, and Risks

Students in campus also frequently use different types of tobacco products, such as Bidis, Cigars, Little cigars, Dissolved tobacco, Electronic cigarettes, and Hookahs. Bidis, mostly made from unprocessed tobacco, pose serious health risks to individuals and are linked to oral and lung cancers. Cigars and Little cigars also contain nicotine and pose health risks to individuals. Dissolved tobacco, in the form of sticks or sometimes candy, contains high amounts of nicotine that can cause health-related issues. Electronic cigarettes, containing nicotine and flavor, are considered less harmful than combustible cigarettes. Hookah, on the other hand, also contains nicotine but is heated by a burning charcoal. Cigarettes, the most commonly used tobacco product, contains filters, additives, and other chemicals that pose major health risks.

Reasons Students Drink and Smoke on Campus

Students drink alcohol and smoke for various reasons. Some do it for pleasure, others because alcohol is readily available at social events, while others take to alcohol and drugs to cope with personal problems like stress, depression, and anxiety. Peer pressure is also a significant factor for some students when it comes to smoking. For some students, it is a habit acquired from childhood that they have become addicted to. Some also believe that smoking aids in learning, leading them to become addicted to it.

Effects of Drinking and Smoking on Campus Students

While the body needs some level of alcohol and nicotine to function effectively, excessive consumption leads to several detrimental effects on health. High risks of diseases like cancer, heart disease, stroke, lung disease, and tuberculosis are associated with excessive use of these substances. Smoking and drinking also have adverse effects on academic performance, leading to mood swings, rebellious acts, kidney problems, prostate issues, and mental health problems. Nicotine contained in tobacco products makes it easily addictive and poses serious health risks.


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