Banning Smoking in Public Places
  • Category: Health
  • Topic: Addiction

Smoking has become increasingly common over the years, despite widespread knowledge of its harmful effects. Although it is a personal choice and a compulsive habit, smoking puts smokers at risk for health problems. However, the effects of smoking affect more than just the smoker, as secondhand smoke can be harmful to others. It is for this reason that smoking in public places should be banned, as it infringes upon the rights of non-smokers.

One main reason for the ban is the hazardous effects of secondhand smoke on non-smokers. Smoking releases toxic substances into the air, making it difficult for non-smokers to breathe. It also leaves behind unpleasant odors and stains, especially in enclosed spaces like public transportation and restaurants. To create a healthier and more enjoyable environment for everyone, smoking in public areas must be banned.

Additionally, smoking in public sets a negative example, particularly among children. Children are susceptible to the influence of their surroundings and may begin to imitate those around them. As such, observing others smoking may lead teenagers to start smoking themselves, which can have detrimental effects on their developing immune systems. Children exposed to secondhand smoke are also more likely to develop respiratory conditions, including asthma and ear infections.

Furthermore, secondhand smoke can also have negative effects on adults who do not smoke. They can be exposed to the smoke and develop coronary heart disease, stroke, and even lung cancer. Infants and toddlers can also suffer from sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) respiratory infections, ear infections, and asthma episodes due to exposure to secondhand smoke. This infringes upon the right to lead a healthy lifestyle, as non-smokers are exposed to hazardous gases just by being in public spaces where other people smoke.

Prohibiting smoking in public places can also reduce smoking rates, as people will be afraid of getting punished for smoking in public. In New York City, smoking restrictions in bars, restaurants, and workplaces led to a 500,000-person decline in adult smokers in just four years. This can lead to a decrease in healthcare costs and the economic burden of smoking.

In conclusion, smoking in public places should be banned due to its harmful effects on both smokers and non-smokers. It is important to create a healthy and enjoyable environment for everyone, and preventing smoking in public places can help achieve this goal.

In conclusion, smoking in public should be illegal due to the harm it causes to non-smokers, children's developing minds, and adults who are exposed to secondhand smoke. Clean air is a fundamental human right that must be protected, despite the objections of some smokers. By implementing a smoking ban in public areas, we can promote a healthier environment, reduce healthcare costs, and protect innocent individuals from unintentional harm. To ensure the well-being of all members of society, we must prioritize public health over individual liberty and take preventive measures. Therefore, it is crucial to ban smoking in public places to safeguard both smokers and non-smokers from the danger of secondhand smoke.


CDC (2022, November 1). Health Problems Caused by Secondhand Smoke. Retrieved from

Cheeseman, H. (n.d.). How has the smoking ban changed our health? Retrieved from

ABC News (n.d.). Do Smoking Bans Get People to Quit? Retrieved from

UKESSAYS (2021, July 22). Smoking Should Be Banned in All Public Places. Retrieved from

WHO (2023). Tobacco Free Initiative. Retrieved from,of%20homes%20are%20smoke%2Dfree.

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