History of Intelligence Testing
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The study of intelligence has a rich history spanning over four millennia, dating back to 2200 BC in Ancient China. The ...
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School Inequity in the United States
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School inequity has become a matter of significant societal concern, as it plays a determining role in the success of st...
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Ethical Accountability of Educational App Designs
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- Background information on the growing use of educational apps for young children and their crucial role in learning an...
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Financing Higher Education in Kenya
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Higher education refers to both formal and informal education and training after the basic education cycle. It involves ...
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The Benefits of Free Higher Education
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Looking up at the majestic columns against the bright blue sky, it is evident that we have the potential to achieve grea...
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The Benefits of Reading
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Imagine if you could add ten extra years to your life by simply engaging in a single activity every day. This activity d...
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