- Category: Education , Life , Philosophy
- Topic: Myself
Looking up at the majestic columns against the bright blue sky, it is evident that we have the potential to achieve great things. The same can be said about the topic of whether or not university should be free. There are compelling arguments on both sides of this highly contested issue, but in this essay, we will explore why universities should be free.
At one point in time, higher education was offered free of cost, however, the lack of available job opportunities at that time made it less desirable. Today, the situation has changed, and the number of people pursuing university degrees has increased significantly. Yet, students continue to pay exorbitant fees for their education. This has led to a debate on whether or not the authorities should implement systems to remove tuition and other expenses associated with university education. While some argue that it is the student's responsibility to pay for their higher education, others believe that authorities should take responsibility for compensating tuition fees. In this essay, we will focus on why universities should be free.
Providing university education free of charge can have a profound impact on society. Unemployment has become a rising problem, and many individuals lack the necessary skills and level of education to access a variety of jobs. Financial constraints are also barriers to accessing education. The burden of paying tuition fees may affect the students' learning process, leading to frustration and low performance. Furthermore, not everyone will be eligible for scholarships to help alleviate financial burdens. Providing free higher education eliminates these barriers, creating more opportunities for individuals of all ages. It also has the potential to reduce currency exchange since access to free higher education can be a deciding factor when choosing where to study.
A nation with a highly educated workforce is a guarantee of better public service. The benefits of having a highly educated workforce translate to better service provision in the public and private sectors. It can lead to a more objective, impartial, and integrity-driven work ethic. The quality of public service often receives complaints, but a highly skilled workforce could help address this issue. Furthermore, foreign opportunities may arise, requiring diverse and critical individuals to portray a positive image of the nation. Having a fully competent workforce to perform various tasks in different fields can ultimately lead to a nation benefiting from its products at a higher percentage of earnings.
Investing in higher education can lead to a higher-earning economy, which in turn leads to more development opportunities. Graduates without debts can start saving and spending, resulting in higher tax returns and more investments, impacting the nation's gross domestic product positively. Educated individuals in positions of negotiation could lead to better offers from foreign investors, which allows the nation to regain its position as a strong player on the global stage.
To conclude, the benefits of free university education are incontrovertible. It can eliminate financial barriers, create more opportunities, and lead to a higher-earning economy, contributing to more significant development. Therefore, it should be the responsibility of authorities to remove tuition fees and make university education free of cost to all.
- Is it feasible to make higher education free of charge? - An Economic Perspective by Tejvan Pettinger dated March 1, 2019
- Top 5 Reasons Why University Education Should Be Free According to UoPeople
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