Mental Illness
The Importance of Diet and Nutrition in Improving Mental Health Well-Being in Outpatient Adults with Mental Illness
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Jalen Xavier Wesley from the College of Nursing at the University of South Alabama, enrolled in NU-607-811: Scientific U...
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Reliability and Validity of the Autistic Diagnostic Interview
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Developed in 2003 by Michael Rutter, MD, FRS, Ann LeCouteur, MBBS, and Catherine Lord, PhD, the ADI-R is a standardized ...
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The Insanity Defense in the United States
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Mental health is a complex and controversial issue in the American criminal justice system. According to the M’Naughten ...
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Bipolar Disorder in Filth
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The world of cinema often portrays characters with mental illnesses in a negative light by showcasing poor portrayals. F...
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