The Information Paradox in Black Holes
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The formation of black holes occurs when a massive body collapses due to gravity. This creates a region in space with a ...
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Applications of Thermoelectrics
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Thermoelectric materials are substances that produce electrical power from temperature differences or heat. They are emp...
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Skin-to-Skin Care for Preterm Newborns
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Heather January, a nursing researcher, evaluated the practice of skin-to-skin contact (SSC) in preterm neonates within t...
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HeartAI's Data Product
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HeartAI is a fictional organization that operates in different American hospitals under government supervision. Its prim...
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Analysis of Boeing Aircraft Crashes
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Yasser Ali Khan from the University of Houston's College of Technology is undertaking a study on Procurement Strategies ...
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A Case of Pasteurella Pneumotropica Infection in a Cat
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A report on a case involving a cat infected with Pasteurella pneumotropica is presented. The cat was brought to Veterina...
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