Master's in Data Science
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According to Tim Berners-Lee, data is a valuable asset that can outlast any system. The advancements in computer and tec...
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Comparison of Accuracy of Antigen Test and Reverse-Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction Test in Detecting Coronavirus
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Centro Escolar University - Malolos offers a Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology which is located at Km 44 MacArth...
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The Impact of Coarse Aggregates on Concrete Properties
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Coarse aggregates refer to granular materials like crushed stone, gravel, sand, and iron blast-furnace slag that are ble...
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Analysis of ELISA Result
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ELISA or Enzyme-Linked Immuno Solvent Assay is a quantitative and qualitative detection technique that relies on antigen...
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Application of Thermistors
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Thermistors are an exceptional type of resistor with high temperature sensitivity compared to standard resistors. The re...
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Language and Culture
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Our ability to cooperate in large groups and perceive the world through language is what sets humans apart from gorillas...
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