Design of a Safe Cage for a Honda Unicorn 160
  • Category: Business , Science
  • Topic: HR Management , Architecture , Technology

Figure 1: SOLIDWORKS (Part) Model depicts the design process for the safe cage by creating a curve using the Spline function with a length of 2050mm. Then, using Extrude Options, the surface was extruded to a height of 750mm with an average height of 150mm. Next, the mid-part of the model was removed, and another part was created using the Boundary Surface Option. The model's corners were filleted to ensure a smooth flow. In addition, two rectangular blocks of 150mm were created by the Rectangle Command to make the handle of the safe cage. Further, a cylinder shaped-like block was extruded from the rectangular blocks by using Extrude Cut for 350mm.

2. ANSYS Analysis (Static Structural)

Figure 1.1: Project Schematization and Figure 1.2: Outline were created as part of ANSYS Analysis (Static Structural). The files were imported into Ansys Workbench 2020 in IGES and SLTDP format. The geometry was meshed, and the mesh was generated. The Pressure was calculated using ½ x rho x v^2 formula, with a value of 124.71 Pa input in the z-component. The Total Deformation of the Geometry was 0.10581 (Max). Two elements were added to Static Structural, namely Titanium Silicate (Glass) and Aluminium Alloy.

3. ANSYS Analysis (Modal), 4. ANSYS Analysis (Steady-state Thermal), 5. ANSYS Analysis (Harmonic Response), and 6. ANSYS (Fluid Fluent) follow a similar procedure to ANSYS Analysis (Static Structural). Figures 3.1-3.3, 4.1-4.5, 5.1-5.4, and 6.1-6.5 were created as part of these respective analyses.

In conclusion, the lab project focused on creating a safe cage for a 2022 Honda Unicorn 160 Motorcycle using computer-aided design. The design was analyzed through various ANSYS analyses, including Static Structural, Modal, Steady-State Thermal, Harmonic Response, and Fluid Fluent. The results of each analysis were depicted through various figures, with each figure representing a step in the design and analysis process.

We will now proceed to the Modal Analysis Test, where we connect the Solution to the Set Up. This Modal Analysis provides us with the Solution after analysis. The results are as shown below.

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