Gender-Neutral Restrooms in the Workplace
  • Category: Business , Life , Social Issues , Sociology
  • Topic: Corporations , Human rights , Women's Rights , Identity

In providing gender-neutral restrooms at work, employees are not required to choose a restroom that does not match their gender identification. If male and female restrooms are the only options, employees may feel excluded and unrecognized because of their gender alignment. Bathrooms are a necessity, and employees should not be forced to make a choice. Offering gender-neutral restrooms reflects a commitment to workplace diversity and inclusivity. It shows that the workplace makes accommodations to create a comfortable work environment and values its employees' differences.

Communicating Organizational Values

As the world changes, so must a company's organizational values. Recent studies report that most younger generations believe gender-neutral restrooms should be the norm (Lobell 2019). Companies need to communicate and enforce their values effectively. By offering gender-neutral restrooms, organizations demonstrate their values daily and show they value their workers' and visitors' opinions. This also shows they care for their employees and visitors, creating an inclusive environment while simultaneously offering accommodation.

Attracting and Retaining Top Talent

Workplaces should allow employees to be themselves. Job listings offering gender-neutral restrooms may catch the eye of potential employees seeking a comfortable and safe work environment. It can encourage people to apply and bring their authentic self while working. A job that communicates inclusivity and values could create more engagement, and if employees are shown they are valued, the company will create loyal employees (Lobell 2019).

Managing Logistics

Installing gender-neutral restrooms can be expensive, but it's an investment for the workplace that can attract and retain the best employees and create a comfortable and valued atmosphere. Multi-stall restrooms are not necessary, and one restroom with a lock on the door can suffice. Some buildings may not have the appropriate space, or in some cases, they share restrooms with other organizations. Several states have passed laws prohibiting discrimination against transgender people who require accommodation for housing, employment, and public necessities. Companies can implement modifications to create an inclusive environment for their employees.

Gavin Grimm, 2015 Virginia Student Who Sued His School

Gavin Grimm received a psychiatric diagnosis that he had gender dysphoria and wanted to use the boys' restroom at Gloucester County High School. After approval by the principal, parents contested the decision and banned him from using the boys' restroom. The school’s ban affected other transgender students, which led Grimm to sue to be recognized as male in school. The case reached the Supreme Court before the decision was returned to the U.S. District Court in Virginia, where it was ruled that the school violated his rights under Title IX and the 14th amendment by prohibiting him from using the restroom he identified with (Ennis 2019). The district court decision required the school to refund Grimm’s legal fees, changing the gender on his records to “male”. It took four years for Grimm to receive a victory, and this ruling creates an important precedent for the transgender community.

Works Cited

Ennis, Dawn. “Transgender Man Gavin Grimm Wins Court Fight He Started as a Boy.” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 10 Aug. 2019,

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