Holistic Learning Approach in FET Completion of Situational Analysis
  • Category: Education , Life
  • Topic: Learning

Active learning is an effective instructional approach that requires students to actively engage with the course material through practices such as group discussions, case studies, role-playing, and problem-solving. This method of teaching focuses on active student participation in the classroom, which helps them to retain information, solve problems, and develop self-confidence.

In the completion of situational analysis for FET, holistic learning is a method that involves educating students to become well-rounded individuals who contribute to their community. The goal of a holistic learning program is to promote the fullest possible development of individuals, encouraging them to reach their full potential and experience all that life has to offer.

By using a holistic learning approach, students have the chance to explore new experiences and opportunities that challenge them to think critically. This approach would be useful in ensuring the completion of situational analysis, encouraging students to analyze what they see and think critically.

I would use various strategies to target each and every learner, using diverse methods to ensure that each student learns new knowledge and skills. I would guide learners as they develop social skills, respect for others, foster the love of learning, and more. The holistic learning approach not only focuses on cognitive development but on all four key areas of emotional, cognitive, physical, and social development. This approach would enable learners to obtain new perceptions, values, and behaviors, leading to their development as a well-rounded, happy, and constructive member of society.


The holistic learning approach is highly motivating and provides young people with a broad-ranging education in various subjects. This approach gives learners an opportunity to find what they love and pursue it. The approach helps to build students' self-confidence by providing multiple opportunities for learners to comprehend structured information and communicate their understanding in various ways.

Using holistic learning can improve the academic achievements of all learners, regardless of their background and circumstances, by catering to individual learning styles, and providing a supportive learning environment. In the 21st century, critical and creative thinking skills are increasingly essential, and a holistic curriculum can equip learners with a broad range of knowledge and social skills to succeed in constantly evolving job markets.


This approach may limit learners' time on the academic aspects of learning. Many education systems are racing to have the most educated workforces for math and sciences of the future. The approach is also time-consuming and expensive, as learners often go to "summer camps" for holistic development, which can be costly for parents. Extracurricular opportunities, such as arts and sports, may also be costly and only available to those who are relatively wealthy.

Additionally, this approach does not fit well with some school curricula, mostly those with very structured learning outcomes, that are crowded with math, science, and literacy as the most important elements.

The Integrated Learning Programme in the FET in completion of situational analysis:

The integrated curriculum is about making significant connections between different subjects or skills. Integrating the curriculum can also improve learning experiences. An integrated approach to learning is designed to focus on learning within the curriculum. It focuses on making connections among concepts and experiences so that learners can apply information and skills to novel and complex challenges.

I would focus on activities that help learners relate the content to their own lives and experiences. Learners would have a chance to experience the content through a different approach, and I should consider incorporating the interests and skills of my learners in fresh and innovative ways. Students would read an informational text, then identify and summarize the main ideas of the passage.

Characteristics of Integrated Learning:

The integrated learning approach is flexible, focusing on the connection and integration of different subjects or skills, instead of isolated learning. This approach allows learners to understand the real world and its complexities, leading to better solution-finding abilities in novel or complex situations. With its enriched curriculum, an integrated learning approach promotes deep learning and better understanding of foundational concepts and principles.

Integrated learning is a multifaceted approach that combines assessment, curriculum development, and faculty development. The idea behind this approach is to explore and use information effectively, allowing children to integrate ideas and experiences and apply them to formulate new learning situations. Key features of integrated learning include creativity, adaptability, critical reasoning, and collaboration.

There are many benefits of integrated learning, including an increase in understanding, retention, and application of general concepts. This approach also provides a better understanding of content and encourages active participation in relevant real-life experiences. Integrated learning helps develop higher-level thinking skills and ensures active participation by triggering the point of interest of students.

The main purpose of schooling is to promote learning and teaching, and schools provide one of the few levers for improving the life chances of deprived children and young people. By enabling learners to gain qualifications, they are given the opportunity for better lives for themselves and their families.






Cronje, K (2001). Situational analysis. Cronje_K_chapter 3. Pdf

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