Import and Export of Sugar in Slovenia
  • Category: Business , Economics , Law
  • Topic: Industry

For my first individual task, I used the TARIC database to find the measures that apply to the import/export of sugar to/from Slovenia/EU. TARIC displays various rules that apply to specific products when imported into the EU, including provisions of the Harmonized System and Combined Nomenclature, as well as additional provisions from EU legislation, such as tariff exemptions, tariff quotas, and tariff preferences (Wikipedia, 2022).

Through my search for sugar import/export measures in the TARIC database (Section IV, Chapter 17), I found two main measures that currently apply to our product.

The first measure states that in line with Council Regulation (EU) No 692/2014 (OJ L183, p.9), the import of goods from Crimea or Sevastopol into the European Union is prohibited. However, there are exceptions to this prohibition:

- Firstly, the prohibition does not apply to the execution of trade contracts concluded before June 25, 2014, or ancillary contracts necessary for the execution of such contracts if the individuals or entities wishing to carry out the contract inform the competent authority of the Member State in which they are established at least 10 working days in advance.

- Secondly, goods originating from Crimea or Sevastopol that have been made available to Ukrainian authorities for inspection and have been verified to meet the conditions for entitlement to preferential origin are also exempt from the prohibition. A certificate of origin must be issued in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 978/2012 and Regulation (EU) No 374/2014 or in accordance with the Association Agreement between the EU and Ukraine. (TARIC-2022)

These measures were introduced to comply with the Council Regulation and ensure that the import of goods from Crimea or Sevastopol into the European Union is controlled and in accordance with EU regulations. The exceptions enable the continuation of certain trade contracts and ensure that goods that meet the relevant conditions can still be imported.

The restrictions on imports do not apply to:

- Carrying out trade contracts that were concluded before February 23, 2022, or auxiliary contracts necessary for the implementation of such contracts, until May 24, 2022, if the natural or legal person, subject or authority wishing to execute the contract informs the competent authority of the member state in which it is based thereof at least 10 working days in advance.

- Goods originating from certain territories that have been made available for inspection by Ukrainian authorities, for which compliance with the conditions giving rise to preferential origin has been verified, and for which a certificate of origin has been issued in accordance with the Association Agreement between the EU and Ukraine. (TARIC, 2022)

This means that sugar can be imported into Slovenia and the EU from Ukraine, but before doing so, the goods must have the correct certificate of origin and meet all the conditions required by the Association Agreement between the EU and Ukraine.


TARIC, 2022. Retrieved from:

Wikipedia, 2022. Retrieved from:

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