- Category: Business
- Topic: Management
The process of self-assessment and reflection is a valuable tool for those who seek to better understand themselves and their areas of improvement. The ability to identify vulnerable areas and work towards growth is a significant aspect of effective leadership. This paper will explore the importance of mindfulness, self-concept, and emotional intelligence in promoting conscious management and leadership.
Before delving into these concepts, it is essential to define and understand their meanings. Kreitner and Kinicki (2013) categorize mindfulness as having emotional awareness, accurate self-evaluation, and self-confidence. Emotional awareness involves recognizing one's emotions and their impact on decision-making processes. Accurate self-evaluation entails recognizing one's strengths and limitations, while self-confidence involves having a healthy sense of self-worth, including talents and abilities.
Conscious leadership involves placing an emphasis on the success and well-being of employees within an organization. This approach acknowledges the importance of serving employees first and ensuring their needs are met before those of the organization (Kreitner and Kinicki, 2013). Employee leadership is an unconventional leadership style because leaders typically prioritize the goals and objectives of the organization. However, this approach shifts the focus to the individuals within the organization, increasing workforce engagement and organizational performance (Gandolfi and Stone, 2017).
Self-assessment is an essential aspect of personal growth and self-improvement. The completion of various assessments helped to highlight strengths and weaknesses that may have gone unnoticed or unrecognized. For example, VARK questionnaire assessment showed that visual learning is my preferred learning style, while kinesthetic learning is also important. Aural learning was my weakest area, highlighting the importance of listening and speaking when learning new ideas or topics.
Additionally, the values assessment was a useful tool that identified my terminal and instrumental values. The values I prioritize most are equality, health, family security, salvation, and self-respect. My instrumental values include self-control, ambition, open-mindedness, responsibility, and loyalty. These assessments helped to identify values that I may have taken for granted previously and need to prioritize in leadership.
The diversity assessment further emphasized the importance of empathy and cultural awareness in leadership. I became aware of the impact of culture on leadership and the importance of being responsive to those being led. My results showed a deep understanding of the culture and the environment I plan to influence.
In conclusion, self-assessment and reflection are critical components of effective leadership. Understanding values, learning styles, and cultural awareness are essential attributes of conscious leadership. Emphasizing employee well-being and serving followers first, rather than organizational goals, can improve work performance and engagement. These tools of self-assessment are valuable in identifying areas for growth and personal development.
I now have a comprehensive understanding of my strengths and weaknesses. The self-assessment results have reinforced my perception of myself and introduced new aspects that I need to consider. These results have also taught me to be empathetic towards those around me.
I now realize that I need to adopt different approaches when dealing with obligations or challenges in my workplace or management endeavors. Employing various learning techniques, such as visual, aural, and kinesthetic, helps me to grasp new information effectively. I will continue to assess myself regularly to improve my leadership skills and make necessary adjustments.
Self-assessment results are crucial for leaders because influence is a crucial aspect of leadership. As John C. Maxwell says, "If you can't influence people, they won't follow you, and if people won't follow, you are not a leader. That is the law of influence." I have learned that to exert influence, you need to know your audience and tailor your environment, communication style, values, and attitudes to fit their needs.
Self-awareness boosts confidence, allowing you to communicate with clarity and assertiveness, thereby attracting people towards your vision. To lead effectively, it is also essential to understand your audience and adjust your approach accordingly. This applies to all leadership scenarios, be it leading yourself, small groups, or organizations.
Kreitner, R., & Kinicki, A. (2013). Organizational Behavior. Retrieved from https://gcumedia.com/digital-resources/McGraw-hill/2012/organization-behavior_ebook_10e.php
Gandolfi, F., & Stone, S. (2017). The emergence of leadership styles: A clarified categorization. Review of International Comparative Management, 18(1), 18-30.
Gandolfi, F., & Stone, S. (2018). Leadership, Leadership Styles, and Servant Leadership. Journal of Management Research, 18(4), 261-269. https://doi.org/10.1177/0972150918804018
Stone, G. A., Russell, R. F., & Patterson, K. (2004). Transformational versus servant leadership: A difference in leader focus. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 25(4), 349-361. https://doi.org/10.1108/01437730410538671