Investigation of the Effects of Different Seed Drop Tube Treatments on Seed Spacing Uniformity
  • Category: Business , Economics , Food , Science
  • Topic: Agriculture

This research aims to develop a device that can assist farmers and laborers in planting methods, reduce the lack of manpower in rice transplanting, and speed up the process of seedling planting to lower farmers' expenses.

Specific Objectives:

1. To address the issue pertaining to farmers and laborers suffering from low back pain and musculoskeletal disorders due to repetitive bending.

2. To resolve the shortage of laborers in rice transplanting.

3. To minimize the cost of labor in rice transplanting.

4. To reduce the time used in the manual planting of seedlings.

Review of Related Literature:


The Philippines is one of the largest producers of rice, with a total harvest of 4.626 million metric tons in the first quarter of 2021. The rise in rice production also affects production costs. The use of transplanting and seed sowing methods has a significant impact on labor expenses and the health of laborers. However, the increasing demand for rice production calls for modernization in planting methods, which would reduce the time of labor and improve production quality. Dual function rice and seed planting machines can help farmers and laborers in manual planting and vegetable production. These machines are efficient in accuracy and swift handling.

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Related Literature:

Keyword 1: Gasoline Engine

Gasoline engines rely on the spark to initiate combustion, and it is significant for the fuel to resist ignition. With gasoline fuel's resistance to auto-ignition, hotter conditions can be tolerated in the combustion chamber, allowing higher compression ratios and advanced ignition timings to be set. A fuel's quality can be measured on the octane scale, indicating increased resistance as the number increases. The chemical composition of gasoline determines the base level of octane. A high-octane blend can improve octane quality using aromatic or oxygenate components, or octane-improving additives like mmt® (methylcyclopetadienyl manganese tricarbonyl).

Keyword 2: Seed Tubes

An investigation was carried out to determine how the kinetic energy of seeds sliding and falling down seed tubes was influenced by the tube diameter, tube inclination, and coulter bend radius in a simulated tube and coulter system. The kinetic coefficient of friction was valid only for tube inclinations up to 25°.

Keyword 3: Gravity Feed Roller or Corrugated Roller

Keyword 4: Seedling Tray and Seed Box

Keyword 5: Ground Wheel.

Keyword 1: Electric Motor

Keyword 2: Seed Tubes

The actual speed of seed movement in seed tubes was calculated by considering the characteristics of seed area and center of mass. The simulation and experimental results revealed that the wind speed primarily influenced the speed of seed in the seed tube, while the seed application rate had a negligible effect. The degree of error between the simulated and experimental values of seed velocity at different wind speeds was between 4.28% to 6.06%, and the simulation test results were proportional to the actual test outcomes, indicating the impact of seed sphericity on movement speed. The correction coefficient for seed velocity in the seed tube was determined to be 0.95, indicating that the fluid-solid coupling simulation provided a highly accurate method to measure seed velocity. Therefore, the feasibility of measuring the seed velocity of the seed tube through EDEM-Fluent gas-solid two-phase flow coupling simulation was verified through this study. (Li, Y., Liu, R., Liu, C., Liu, L. 2021)

This study aimed to investigate the impact of planter seed drop tubes on seed spacing uniformity. The experiment was conducted at a controlled laboratory with a precision metering unit for corn. The study included five seed tube treatments, including no seed tube (NST), the original seed tube (ST-I), and three alternative designs (ST-II, ST-III, and ST-IV). The experiments were conducted at different forward speeds (1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 ms⁻¹) and seed spacings (67, 103, and 172 mm). The accuracy of seed spacing was evaluated based on five parameters, including quality of feed index (Iqf), miss index (Imiss), multiple index (Imult), coefficient of precision (CP3), and precision. The use of different seed drop tube treatments resulted in a statistically significant impact on all five seed spacing parameters. (A. Yazgi,2016)

Keyword 3: Gravity Feed Roller or Corrugated Roller

Keyword 4: Seedling Tray and Seed Box

Keyword 5: Ground Wheel


The study's conceptual framework included investigating the effects of different seed drop tube treatments on seed spacing uniformity, while the theoretical framework included using five parameters to evaluate the precision of seed spacing. The study's method consisted of conducting experiments in a controlled laboratory with a precision metering unit for corn using different seed tube treatments and evaluating the uniformity of seed spacing. The research found that seed drop tube treatments significantly impacted seed spacing uniformity based on different uniformity parameters. The study's references included previous works investigating the effects of different tube configurations on seed delivery to a coulter, alternative fuels, and advanced engines. (Bennett, 2014; ANNAND, 1988; Endrerud, 1999; A.Yazgi,2016)

Appendices were included in the study to supplement the research findings and provide further details, while the references were used to provide a comprehensive picture of previous works related to the study's subject matter.

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