Management Roles and Responsibilities
  • Category: Business , Economics
  • Topic: Corporations , Management

The School of Business and Management under the Faculty of Business and Tourism offers a Bachelor of Business Entrepreneurship program that includes MGT 501 Principles of Management course. As part of the requirements, a comparative essay assignment is given to students to evaluate and analyze the differences between two companies in terms of management roles and responsibilities. The subject matter of this essay is Ford Motor Company and a car repair shop.

Ford Motor Company is a globally recognized company in the automotive industry that generates multimillion-dollar revenue. On the other hand, a car repair shop only generates medium income revenue. The difference in the income level reflects the disparity in the duties and roles of the consecutive managers of the two firms. This comparative essay will evaluate the differences in management responsibilities between the two companies, and identify commonalities in their management portfolios.

A car repair shop is a structure erected or designated for vehicle inspection and repair but doesn't include the manufacture, assembly, or bodywork of vehicles or parts. On the other hand, Ford Motor Company is a global corporation headquartered in Dearborn, Michigan, involved in the manufacture and sale of vehicles in over 200 markets on six continents. The company has 108 factories worldwide, with over 300,000 employees.

The essay will evaluate the different roles and responsibilities that managers in the two companies play. While the manager of a car repair shop is responsible for overseeing the quality of repair work done on vehicles, making sure the shop is adequately stocked with parts and overseeing the shop personnel, the responsibilities of a Ford Motor Company manager include overseeing the company's operations, developing strategies to increase revenue, managing different departments, and improving the company's productivity and efficiency.

Despite the differences in roles and responsibilities, similarities exist in the management portfolios of these companies. Both companies require their managers to be team players, leaders, and good communicators. They also need to be analytical thinkers, capable of identifying and resolving problems. Lastly, they must be knowledgeable in the industry they operate in and have knowledge of the latest technology trends.


In conclusion, this essay has evaluated and analyzed the differences in roles and responsibilities between the management of Ford Motor Company and a car repair shop. It has identified that while the two companies have disparity in income revenue, their management portfolios share commonalities such as teamwork, leadership, communication skills, effective problem-solving skills, industry knowledge, and technological expertise. The essay concludes that the roles and responsibilities of managers differ across various industries and that understanding these differences can help managers position themselves for success.


In summary, this comparative essay has outlined the fundamental duties and responsibilities that managers typically undertake within organizations, institutions, ministries, NGOs, and business companies. These duties include planning, organizing, controlling, and directing, although the specific tasks associated with these activities may differ somewhat depending on the size and complexity of the business. For example, larger businesses may require more senior managers to handle a greater number of management tasks due to the increased number of employees.


Ford, H. (1902). The Ford Motor Company. USA & Canada: Ford Motor Company.

Powley, R., Edwards, C. (2012). Principles of Management. Burnaby, British Columbia: Commonwealth of Learning.

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