Research Methodology: A Case Study of The Younger Generation's Attitudes Towards Provocative Advertising
  • Category: Business
  • Topic: Marketing

In order to gather reliable data, the researchers have selected appropriate research instruments. The primary instrument for this study will be a semi-structured interview guide. This guide will contain a set of pre-determined questions that will provide insight on the respondents' perceptions and attitudes towards the provocative advertising of the chosen brands. Through these questions, the researchers hope to gain a more profound understanding of how these advertisements affect the younger generation's brand perception and purchasing intentions. The interview guide will be developed through a thorough review of existing literature on the subject, which will ensure that the questions are appropriately designed and relevant.

Data Gathering Procedures

The data gathering process will involve conducting face-to-face interviews with the chosen respondents in Naga City. The researchers will be present to facilitate the process and ensure that all responses are accurately recorded. The interviews will be conducted in a private and comfortable setting to encourage the respondents to express their thoughts and opinions freely and honestly. The interviews will be audio-recorded, with the respondents' consent. Additionally, field notes will be taken to document the context of the interview and other relevant observations.

Data Analysis

After collecting the data, the researchers will transcribe the interviews verbatim and put them through a rigorous analysis process. The researchers will utilize a thematic analysis method to identify and analyze patterns and themes that emerge from the data. The analysis process will involve reviewing the data repeatedly to ensure that key findings are correctly identified. The researchers will also ensure that the results are valid and reliable by utilizing triangulation methods, including member checking and peer debriefing.

In conclusion, this chapter outlines the different methodologies that the researchers will employ to conduct this study. The research design and method, area and respondent profile, research instruments, data gathering procedures, and data analysis provide a detailed overview of how the researchers plan to gather data and analyze the results. By utilizing appropriate research instruments and analysis techniques, the researchers hope to provide valuable insights into the younger generations' attitudes towards provocative advertising and its impact on brand perception and purchasing intentions.

Data Collection Procedures

To ensure that this study has high construct validity, several procedures will be implemented. Firstly, the study will focus on two brands with provocative advertisements, namely the RC Cola ad and the Julie's Bakeshop ad. The researchers determined that these ads were suitable for analysis based on the context of Filipino advertising. Purposive sampling will then be used to select respondents aged 18-24 from Naga City who are suitable for the study.

To obtain rich data, unstructured online focus group discussions will be conducted with the identified respondents. Before the discussions take place, informed consent will be obtained, and the study's purpose and importance will be explained. The researchers will create interview questions and materials to guide the discussions and assess the respondents' knowledge and awareness of the featured brands.

To ensure that the discussions are open and meaningful, follow-up questions will be asked, and thought-provoking discussions will be encouraged. After the discussions, the researchers will collate, arrange, and categorize the data obtained.

Data Analysis and Interpretation Method

To analyze and interpret the data, the researchers will use thematic content analysis. This approach allows for the categorization and reduction of complex data into essential concepts, making it an ideal method for understanding how consumers interpret advertising with provocation.

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