- Category: Business
- Topic: Corporations , Marketing
Digital brand management is an essential aspect of any business in the current market. This article will detail a brand audit on Starbucks and its brand management efforts.
1. Internal Branding
Starbucks Corporation is a globally recognized brand, famous for its chain of coffeehouses and roastery reserves worldwide. This multinational corporation's headquarters are situated in Seattle, Washington. The corporation's revenue for 2022 is estimated at 32.25 billion USD, with over 402,000 employees. Starbucks was founded in 1971, when it initially offered species, roasted coffee beans, and other products.
1.1 The Howard Shultz Era
Howard Shultz was appointed as the head of marketing in 1982, and under his leadership, the corporation achieved rapid development and expansion. After Howard Shultz's departure in 1985, it quickly grew to become the most significant coffee shop company worldwide. Starbucks has different marketing strategies, including creating loyalty programs, offering excellent customer service, and maintaining consistency with their branding to attract their target audience.
1.2 Starbucks Remarkable Marketing Strategy
Starbucks executes its remarkable marketing strategy by creating loyalty programs, repurposing content across social media channels, offering friendly customer service, using FOMO to advantage, maintaining consistent branding, sticking to their mission statement, and keeping everything organized.
1.3 Target Market of Starbucks
Starbucks' target audience is varied, consisting of high-income, high spenders, technology early adopters, socially conscious customers, and healthy professionals. Starbucks has over 28,000 locations in 75 countries, and their target audience varies from place to place.
2. External Branding
Starbucks focuses on how customers experience their brand, how it feels, and the analysis of the brand. These factors, when correctly executed, enhance Starbucks's brand value and appeal to its customers.
2.1 Experience the Starbucks Brand
Starbucks gives its customers a personalized, unique experience with the company's values, visions, and mission aligned with their beliefs.
2.2 How does the Brand Feel?
Starbucks has created a friendly, relaxing, and homely environment for its customers to feel at home. Along with their beverages, Starbucks customers also enjoy reading materials, comfortable seats, and a culture of friendliness and warmth.
2.3 Analyzing the Brand in Certain Factors
Starbucks analyzes its brand and brand management efforts using specific factors such as creativity, innovation, employee motivation, leadership, customer satisfaction, and brand loyalty. This analysis helps Starbucks to understand its weaknesses and strengths and improve its marketing strategy.
3. Future Recommendations
As Starbucks continues to grow as a brand, it can consider using technology to leverage its brand value. The company can use AR/VR technologies to offer customers virtual tour experiences and increase customer satisfaction. Starbucks can also expand its brand reach by investing in other avenues, such as sustainable coffee farming and expanding its product line.
In conclusion, Starbucks has solidified its position as a global brand through its unique brand value and efficient brand management strategies. With future recommendations, Starbucks can continue to thrive in the digital market and set trends for others to follow.
Barbara Bean-Mellinger. (February 5, 2019). Starbucks: Target Audience and USP. The Balance Small Business.
Peter Bonderenko, Mellusa Petruzello. (2023). The Story of Starbucks.
Starbucks Marketing Strategy: Create a Remarkable Brand. November 29, 2022.
Yes, there are important collaborators/partners that Starbucks should cooperate with, such as coffee growers, suppliers, and non-profit organizations. By collaborating with coffee growers and suppliers, Starbucks can ensure the quality of their products and promote ethical and sustainable practices. By partnering with non-profit organizations, Starbucks can support their social and environmental initiatives and engage with their customers in meaningful ways. All of these collaborations can ultimately enhance the brand's reputation and contribute to the overall success of the business.
1. Are there sufficient digital touchpoints for the brand, and if not, how can this be resolved?
Starbucks boasts an array of brand touchpoints, including a logo that stands out as one of the most aesthetically pleasing symbols among coffee brands. However, it is worth considering whether their digital touchpoints are sufficient and whether there is scope for further development.
2. What impact are emerging market trends having on the brand?
One notable trend is the increase in pickup stores, which allows customers to conveniently pick up their favourite coffee drinks by themselves, making payments without having to interact with a cashier. This is a trend that is emerging in many places, and one that could have an impact on the Starbucks brand.
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