Strategic Planning and Effective Supply Management
  • Category: Business , Economics
  • Topic: Corporations , Entrepreneurship

In order to achieve certain long-term goals and objectives by efficiently allocating resources, organizations use strategies. These action plans can be practiced on three levels: corporate, business unit, and function. The corporate level focuses on deciding on the business to be in and allocating resources between businesses, while the business unit level frames the plan for a specific unit in line with the corporate strategy. The function level focuses on how various functional areas can contribute to the business strategy through resource allocation.

To achieve organizational objectives in line with supply goals, organizations use supply strategies. The supply objectives include quality, quantity, delivery, price, and storage, while the organizational objectives include survival, growth, financial, and environmental. Supply managers face challenges in effective interpretation of corporate and supply objectives, selection of appropriate action plans, and providing feedback on supply issues that align with organizational objectives.

Supply strategies are inclusive of sub-strategies such as assurance of supply strategies, cost reduction strategies, supply chain support strategies, environmental change strategies, competitive edge strategies, and risk management strategies. Risk management is crucial as risks are inevitable in businesses, including supply. These risks include operational, financial, and reputational risks. Managing supply risks requires risk identification, impact assessment, and risk strategy.

The strategy used in drawing up a supply strategy should consider what to make or buy, quality of supplier deliveries, quantity of materials to be acquired, centralization or decentralization of the supply function, purchase timing, purchase pricing, purchasing from local, regional, domestic, or international sources, how to buy, and why a particular strategy should be pursued.

Overall, strategic planning and effective supply management are essential for organizations to achieve their long-term goals and objectives.

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