- Category: Business , Economics
- Topic: Entrepreneurship , Industry
The use of IBS can offer a solution to the problem of foreign labor reliance, reducing the number of skilled and unskilled workers required on the site. This approach can be particularly beneficial for countries such as Malaysia, where there is an over-reliance on foreign workers from neighboring countries. While skilled and semi-skilled labor is crucial for IBS, it can significantly minimize the need for unskilled workers. However, labor requires training to adapt to IBS construction.
Time and Cost
The use of IBS can save considerable time and cost, with production starting after the design has been verified. Furthermore, as IBS production is relatively mechanical, minimal labor is required for prefabrication, resulting in timelier and more efficient construction. And most importantly, weather won't hinder the construction output.
Quality Control
IBS maintains an excellent quality control system for production. The materials, production process, and curing temperature are all under strict surveillance. Quality control eliminates defective and faulty components, providing high-quality and visually pleasing products.
IBS construction significantly reduces the use of standard wood, thus creating a more sustainable and responsible work environment. This prefabrication process eliminates much of the waste generated at construction sites, reducing the impact on the environment.
IBS construction provides a safer workplace for employees, lowering the risk of fatalities. By reducing overcrowding at construction sites and decreasing the number of workers, IBS construction can mitigate the potential of accidents.
Weaknesses of IBS
High Initial Capital Investment
There are a few considerations and associated costs involved in carrying out IBS. Initial capital investment is substantial, including expenses for equipment, steel molds, external technology, vehicles, and labor compensations for the establishment cycle.
Worker Competency
Workers must be trained in order to work with IBS successfully, adding additional costs to the project. The additional expenses are primarily directed towards unskilled and semi-skilled labor training. However, such training can be wasteful if workers opt to leave for their home countries.
Manufacturing Cost for IBS
While IBS may offer tremendous benefits, initial cost barriers cause most companies to hesitate due to the high venture costs. Small to medium industries are frequently cautious about participating, which can lead to unfortunate competition.
Site Condition
Conditions of the site play a significant role in the successful execution of IBS. Heavy equipment and vehicles are required to transport IBS components, and the construction site must have suitable road conditions to handle the loads. Improvements to the site might cost more money.
IBS components are typically large and must be transported on trucks that are specifically designed for that purpose. Vehicles that satisfy the road regulations and the IBS specification on the weight, length, and depth of the components are required. This could boost transportation costs.