The Case Study of an Adolescent Girl with Anorexia
  • Category: Health , Psychology
  • Topic: Illness , Mental health , Child development

Anorexia Nervosa is a widely researched mental illness that falls under the category of eating disorders. It is characterized by distorted body image, fixed beliefs about being overweight, and behavioral changes that include food intake restriction and excessive exercise. Its effects are severe, and it has one of the highest mortality rates among the eating disorders and any psychiatric disorder. Despite many studies conducted on the illness, many patients find treatment ineffective and tend to relapse. However, research has shown that AN has biological as well as environmental contributions, which need to be explored further.

An important question concerning AN is regarding its long-term effects and whether it is related to the illness itself or the effects of starvation. The effects of starvation on the brain as a result of AN are relatively unknown. A study conducted on starvation showed the similarities between starvation and AN, including severe emotional distress, depressive symptoms, repetitive, obsessive/perfectionistic, and ritualistic behaviors related to food and eating. This correlation highlights the importance of understanding AN to gain insight into starvation.

While AN's effects on the mind and body have been studied, a particular study focused on its effects on the theory of mind and cognitive function of an individual. It concluded that AN is associated with significant deficits to the theory of mind, which can contribute to poor insight, treatment resistance, and social impairment. Another study recognized severe anorexia nervosa (sAN) and aimed to understand the processes involved in change and the inability to change. The findings showed how the function of anorexia, barriers to change, and the struggle to change can be supported by intensive community-based treatment.

In summary, AN is a severe mental illness that requires further exploration concerning biological and environmental contributions. The relationship between AN and starvation is a significant factor to consider, as understanding AN can help gain more insight into starvation. Studies focusing on AN's effects on the mind and body, as well as its potential treatments, are crucial for improving patients' recovery rates and reducing relapse rates.

The case study presented analyzed a seventeen-year-old girl who desired to decrease her already low body mass index (BMI). The young lady in question suffered from various symptoms, including overvaluing thinness, erratic food restrictions, compulsive exercising, binging, and purging. Her treatment involved an initial outpatient program and sessions with a registered dietician who aided her in increasing her caloric intake, starting from 1200-1500 calories, and gradually progressing an extra 500. This case study aimed to provide insights into the life of an adolescent female with Anorexia Nervosa (AN) and the treatment process.

AN is a life-threatening mental disorder that has been extensively studied worldwide. Various studies have indicated that AN affects the body and mental state of an individual. The disorder causes a person to be absorbed in body image and have fixed beliefs about being overweight and corresponding behavioral changes such as restricting food intake and engaging in excessive exercise. Similarly, this case study sheds light on what AN looked like for the patient and the treatment procedures hence giving an indication of what it's like being an adolescent female with AN. Although AN can be a lifelong illness, it's a treatable disorder, and different studies and case studies can help improve the treatment process.

In conclusion, the case study offers valuable insights into the world of AN and its treatment process. References to various other studies and the case study itself reveal the significant impact of AN on mental and physical health, particularly among adolescents. Achieving a better understanding of AN is a step forward towards developing effective treatments that can aid those affected by this deadly disorder.

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