The Impact of Industry 4. 0 on Malaysia
  • Category: Business , Economics , Information Science and Technology
  • Topic: Corporations

IR 4.0 has brought a significant impact on various industries, particularly in streamlining processes and increasing efficiency. The integration of various technologies such as automation, big data analysis and the internet of things has led to a more interconnected and intelligent system. Through IR 4.0, companies can achieve operational excellence and optimize resources utilization. This ensures that they remain competitive in the global market.

4.0 The country implement and success in IR 4.0

Several countries worldwide have implemented IR 4.0 and have achieved considerable success in this area. In Malaysia, various initiatives have been implemented towards realizing the vision of Industry 4.0. The government introduced the Industry 4.0 policy framework in 2018 to ensure that Malaysia remains competitive in the global market. Japan has also made significant progress towards IR4.0 by collaborating with various private sectors and implementing strategies aimed at expanding technology adoption in different industries.

5.0 IR 4.0 reflect business community in Malaysia

The implementation of IR 4.0 has significantly impacted the Malaysian business community. The technology has enhanced the productivity and efficiency of various businesses by automating various processes and streamlining operations. The adoption of cloud technology has allowed for improved data management and communication between businesses, leading to better and more efficient collaboration. Businesses have also been able to utilize the vast amounts of data generated by IR 4.0 for informed decision-making, improving customer experiences, and driving growth.

6.0 Conclusion

In conclusion, IR 4.0 has significantly impacted various industries, leading to better productivity, efficiency, and competitiveness. Malaysia is an excellent example of a country that has embarked on implementing IR 4.0, and this has resulted in significant growth and development in different sectors. The integration of cloud computing and other technologies has led to an interconnected and intelligent system that has transformed the way businesses operate. It is essential for companies to embrace IR 4.0 to remain competitive in the global market and achieve operational excellence.


Abdul Wahab N. I. (2020). Industry 4.0: Will It Cause Unemployment or Create Jobs Who Is Responsible to Decide? In Industry 4.0 and Engineering Education (pp. 3-12). Springer, Singapore.

Shahroom, A. A. (2018). A study on the readiness of industry 4.0 among SMEs in Malaysia. Journal of Advanced Research in Business and Management Studies, 12(1), 59-68.

Yusof, M. F., Abidin, N. Z., & Hassan, N. F. A. (2017). Industry 4.0: The new revolution for manufacturing industry and its impact on SMEs. Procedia Manufacturing, 8, 742-749.

4.0 Implementation and Success of Industry Revolution 4.0 (IR 4.0) in Different Countries

4.1 Malaysia

Malaysia has successfully implemented IR 4.0 in the education sector by introducing e-learning in 2011. The Malaysian national development plan 2015-2025 aimed to promote international learning and attracted young people. Moreover, universities are also using their own online learning management system (LMS) such as MyGuru at Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI), KEILP at Sultan Zainal Abidin University (UniSZA), GOALS at University of Islamic Sciences Malaysia (USIM), eCampus at Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK), and UKMFolio at National University of Malaysia (UKM). These LMS not only promote e-learning but also enhance the quality of each Institution of Higher Education's individual LMS.

4.2 Japan

In Japan, students are introduced to the STEM system of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, which is robotics in their education, at the age of 9. They also have the opportunity to program microcontroller-controlled robots such as Arduino Uno. The aim is to bring the community closer to technology and thereby improve the nation's technological progress.

5.0 IR 4.0's Impact on the Business Community in Malaysia

E-commerce is the most affected business sector by the digital transformation brought about by IR 4.0. Traders now have greater connectivity with the outside digital world, creating opportunities to market their products internationally and thereby improving the economy.

6.0 Conclusion

IR 4.0 has revolutionized the industry and has had an impact on education as well as business. Globalization has created an inter-connected world, and the development of technology has brought it closer to young people who study about technology to improve the image of the country. In order to bring IR 4.0 closer in Malaysia, the community must remain sensitive and aware of this progress in the present.



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