The Importance of Aquaculture in Africa
  • Category: Business , Food

Aquaculture has been practised for thousands of years, with China being the first to adopt fish farming around 2000BC. Earlier evidence of fish ponds was also recorded in the Bible and ancient Egyptian paintings. One of the most significant developments in aquaculture was the invention of culture methods for trout in the mid-1800s. Today, aquaculture has been identified as the most promising future source of food protein for humans, with freshwater aquaculture being the most important type but marine aquaculture also being developed to meet the increasing demand for fish due to the rising global human population.

The annual fish consumption per person worldwide has been on an increasing trend, leading to a rise in the total volume of fish demand, but aquaculture in Africa is currently in an incremental phase of growth. The high prevalence of poverty, malnutrition, and unemployment may be factors contributing to this slow growth, and there are still opportunities to increase aquaculture production in Africa to fulfill the ever-increasing demand for fish with the development of cost-effective and high-quality fish feed.

In Kenya, freshwater aquaculture began in the 1920s but remained stagnant until 2003 when it increased four-fold due to government-sponsored campaigns. Over the past decade, Kenyan fish production has increased, and the ripple effect resulted in expanded pond development, creating a high demand for fish seeds and feeds. However, both the public and private sectors dealing with fish seeds and feeds were unable to meet this demand adequately and on time, leading to the importation of fish feeds.

Commercially made aquaculture feeds account for around 68% of direct-fed species output globally and are expected to grow, while the total global usage of farm-made aquaculture feeds and low-value fish as direct feed is still largely unknown. The use of farm-made aquaculture feeds is limited to small-scale farmers in the Asian and African regions, and a variety of fish and crustacean species are produced using farm-made feeds.

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