The Importance of Communication in LG Corporation
  • Category: Business , Sociology
  • Topic: Corporations , Management , Communication

The company organizes seminars and workshops to ensure that employees remain up-to-date with the company's goals and philosophy. These events bring employees together, fostering a better understanding of the company's strategies and alignment with business goals. LG's global workforce benefits from these initiatives, with employees well-informed of the company's vision, mission, and values. This illustrates the effectiveness of workshops and seminars in empowering employees towards achieving their professional goals.

In today's digital age, email is a widely used method of communication, allowing for the rapid transmission of memos, proposals, and notices to multiple recipients. This has led to faster decision-making and facilitates easy communication amongst teams spread across different locations, accelerating productivity and time management. LG understands the importance of an information-rich website, which features details about the company's vision, mission, core value, and monthly electronic magazine, allowing employees to contribute their ideas and innovations. This fosters a sense of belonging, pride, and ownership, which improves productivity and enhances business performance.

Effective communication with employees within different divisions can be achieved through internal announcements from top managers. Such announcements inspire and motivate employees to work harder, leading to higher productivity levels that can influence others positively. When leaders prioritize communication through their actions, their managers follow suit, eventually leading to a company-wide communication culture.

LG practices consistency in language and style in all its communication strategies, translating its advertising campaigns to employees, making them more likely to support the content. The company understands that before it can gain customer loyalty, it must achieve employee loyalty first. By engaging employees in the creation and invention process through knowledge sharing and after-work socializing, creative innovations and new technologies emerge. Employees must be given the freedom to communicate with their bosses if an organization wants to produce pioneering products.

When employees are well-informed about a company's mission, vision, core values, and competencies, they tend to take pride in their workplace's achievements. They understand that their contribution and commitment are essential to the company's success. To handle unexpected challenges that arise in the business environment effectively, internal communication holds a crucial role.

In its efforts to communicate with employees, LG Corporation applies tailored segmentation strategies for better engagement and commitment from each group of employees. This approach ensures that each employee group receives the appropriate communication at the right time. Even during the financial crisis where workplace strikes were common, LG maintained good relations with its blue-collar employees by being open and honest about the company's predicament. The company appealed to its employees for help, and their success further emphasizes the importance of effective communication.

A company that neglects its business communication can easily slip into chaos, as is evident from the experience of LG Corporation. When employees are more engaged, this lowers the turnover rate, resulting in highly experienced teams and less wasted resources on rehiring and retraining staff.

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