The Importance of Fostering Race Unity in Malaysia
  • Category: Life , Sociology
  • Topic: Experience , Identity , Race and Ethnicity

According to the findings of the study, all 30 respondents (100%) agree that creating a harmonious society is one of the vital aspects to foster race unity in Malaysia. Therefore, there were no respondents who were uncertain or disagree that the establishment of a harmonious society should be a priority.

As we all know, without unity between races, harmony cannot be maintained, and people will inevitably clash and destroy the peace that the nation has built. Hence, Malaysians can interact well with each other, despite the differences in ethnicity and religion. As the Malay proverb goes, unity brings blessings. Therefore, the spirit of unity among different races is essential to increase social harmony.

6.3.2 Enhancing the Country's Image Internationally

Based on the study, 28 respondents (93.33%) agree that enhancing the country's image on the international stage is one of the important elements to foster race unity in Malaysia. Only 2 respondents (6.66%) were uncertain about its importance, and there were no respondents who disagreed with the significance of improving the country's international standing.

Furthermore, unity among races can enhance the country's image on the international stage, as joint efforts of all races can bring peace and stability. For example, during important festivals, Malaysians would visit each other and converse amicably. These actions create a sense of unity. As a result, Malaysia can serve as an exemplary model to other nations and improve the country's image internationally.

6.3.3 Developing the Country's Economy

Based on the table above, 27 out of 30 respondents (90%) agree that developing the country's economy is one of the critical factors to foster race unity in Malaysia. Two respondents (6.66%) were uncertain, while one respondent (3.33%) disagreed. Therefore, it can be concluded that the majority of respondents agree that developing the country's economy is essential to promote unity among races in Malaysia.

6.3.4 Attracting Tourists' Arrival

According to the research conducted, 24 respondents (80%) out of 30 individuals agreed that attracting tourists is vital in fostering unity among the various races in Malaysia. Furthermore, 5 respondents (16.66%) were unsure, while 1 respondent (3.33%) disagreed that attracting tourists is one of the priorities.

The unity among the Malaysian citizens can attract foreign tourists to witness the practice of racial harmony that each Malaysian citizen embraces. The tourism sector is a significant contributor to the economy of the country. It can indirectly introduce the world to the beauty of Malaysia and uplift the country's name. The unique multicultural society of Malaysia living harmoniously can attract tourists to understand the culture and social values of Malaysia.

6.3.5 Fostering Nationalism

Based on the diagram above, 27 respondents (90%) out of 30 agreed that fostering nationalism is crucial to foster unity in Malaysia. However, 3 respondents (10%) were unsure, and none disagreed that fostering nationalism is a priority.

Regardless of religion, race, or skin color, we can cultivate deep nationalism through the unity of citizens. For example, Malaysian citizens must have the responsibility to live in harmony. Therefore, people need to understand the importance of solidarity and mutual respect among themselves. It is evident that society must work together in fostering the spirit of unity, especially among school-going children.

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