The Importance of Social Media during the Pandemic
  • Category: Education , Entertainment , Sociology
  • Topic: Learning , Communication

In the midst of the global COVID-19 pandemic, researchers in the medical field are working tirelessly to develop remedies against this deadly virus that has infected millions and caused widespread panic. With the world in a state of lockdown, the COVID-19 pandemic has had significant effects on societies and individuals alike. One of the few sources of comfort and relief for many people during this challenging time has been the use of social media platforms.

This essay examines the value and benefits of social media during the pandemic, including the use of Facebook, Viber, Messenger, WhatsApp, and other such platforms that are available globally. With stay-at-home orders and remote work on the rise, these platforms have provided an effective means of communication for businesses, government departments, schools, and non-governmental organizations.

In particular, the education sector in Fiji has faced significant challenges during the pandemic. However, by implementing remote learning techniques and digitizing their processes, they have been able to mitigate some of the risks posed by COVID-19. Through the use of social media platforms, both workers and students can stay connected and access vital information.

The availability of M-paisa has also been crucial during the pandemic as it allows people to receive and send payments, recharge phones, and top up data. This has been particularly useful, especially in remote areas where physical access to banks and financial institutions is limited.

Overall, social media has been a vital tool in providing support and information throughout the pandemic. It has allowed individuals to stay connected during a time of isolation, access vital information, and continue working remotely, all while providing some level of entertainment and relaxation.

In today's world, online shopping has become a widely used platform for businesses to promote their products, especially during times of lockdown. The M-paisa outlet is being used to assist in the online marketing of products, providing an opportunity for customers to purchase goods from the comfort of their own homes. Social media has also become a popular tool for businesses to brand and market themselves, as well as to interact and connect with clients, providing a platform for customers to bond with others who share similar interests.

The lockdown restrictions imposed due to the COVID-19 pandemic have made many people feel isolated and frustrated, but social media outlets have helped alleviate some of these feelings by allowing people to connect and communicate with each other. These platforms have helped in the exchange of information, providing a means of communication and access to entertainment, and amusement outlets.

The closure of tertiary institutions in Fiji and abroad due to the pandemic has disrupted the traditional methods of teaching and learning. However, online learning and teaching have continued, with learning assets being shared among students through email, phone calls, and different social media platforms such as WhatsApp, Viber, Instagram, Google Meet, and Facebook. Social media outlets like E-Learning Moodle have been created to allow lectures to continue as usual for scholars working from home, with assignments, tests, quizzes, and tutorials being conducted online. The use of communication tools like Zoom, Google Meet, and Viber groups allows for effective communication, ensuring work is ongoing.

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced people to stay home, stay safe and save lives through lockdown, and social media has proven its worth and benefits worldwide. In today's highly technological society, the benefits of social media platforms cannot be ignored, despite the challenges that Covid-19 has brought about. The year 2020-2021 has been a period of great importance in the 21st Century, with the passing of millions all over the world and the debasement of economies in most nations. During this widespread Covid-19 period, solid hand washing, social separating, and keeping ourselves isolated have now become the norm.

In conclusion, social media platforms have become essential in the 21st Century, especially during times of pandemic-like conditions. The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of social media, and its potential to be a useful tool for different purposes, including commerce, communication, and education. It's interesting to see how social media has evolved over the years, and during the pandemic, as people have become more reliant on digital connectivity, it has become even more crucial for people to stay connected and engage with one another in a constructive and supportive manner.

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