The Influence of Social Media on the Buying Behavior of Young Consumers
  • Category: Business , Entertainment
  • Topic: Corporations , Marketing

This research study aims to investigate the influence of social media on the purchasing behavior of young consumers. Social media, which refers to various online platforms that enable people to share information, communicate and exchange ideas, has become an integral component of adolescent life. As stated by Alfred Lua, social media sites such as Facebook are predicted to have 2.9 billion monthly active users by 2023. In 2019, there were 3.48 billion social media users worldwide, representing a 9% increase from 2018. The Philippines, in particular, is known for its technological proficiency, making it an essential market for businesses looking to expand their reach.

The purpose of this study is to contribute to the existing body of literature on the impact of social media on consumer behavior. While previous studies have explored this topic, the researcher believes that further investigation is crucial to understanding the influence of social media on the purchasing behavior of young people.

A review of related literature shows that social media has become a popular tool for sharing user-generated content and participating in online discussions. It has also become a reliable platform for consumers to access product information, reducing the stress of in-person negotiations and improving communication between buyers and sellers. However, there are also concerns regarding the use of social media networks, including cyberbullying, hacking, and the publishing of inappropriate content.

Overall, this study is valuable for businesses looking to capitalize on the growing trend of social media use among young consumers. It provides insight into the factors that drive consumer behavior and allows companies to tailor their marketing strategies to meet the needs of their target market.

In the Philippines, social media plays a significant role in digital influence, as stated by Upgrade Magazine in 2018. A survey by The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) titled "Digital Consumers, Emerging Markets, and the $4 Trillion Future" found that 95% of Filipinos occasionally use social media to inform their shopping decisions. Peer-to-peer transactions, where customers purchase and sell directly to one another without the use of a middleman or business social media profiles, are popular venues for direct e-commerce. The research also indicates that despite using social media for peer-to-peer transactions, 88% of Filipinos still prefer to pay cash on delivery (COD).

The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship and trust between social media and youth shopping decisions and answer the following questions: 1) How has social media influenced the purchasing decisions of today's youth? 2) How can businesses use social media to improve the interaction of youth purchasing decisions? 3) Which social media platform is most influential in influencing the purchasing decisions of today's youth?

The hypothesis of this study is that there is no significant difference in the youth's buying decision on the impact of social media. This study is expected to be beneficial to youth, parents, business owners, and future researchers. Youth can understand their buying decisions better. Parents can understand their children's buying decisions and provide advice and guidance for their children. Business owners can gain a better understanding of consumer behavior with the use of social media. Future researchers can use this study as a base for future research or as a reference.

The primary goal of this research is to determine the impact of social media on youth purchasing decisions. The researchers will focus on youth under the age of 24 and conduct data collection in Manila, Philippines, in the academic year 2022-2023 using surveys as the research instrument. The buying decision is defined as a series of decisions a consumer makes before purchasing something and which start after the consumer has expressed an intent to buy.

Cash on delivery is defined as a way of getting charged that requires consumers to pay for their purchases when the goods have been delivered. Cyberbullying is the use of the internet to harass, intimidate, or degrade someone else. Pandemic is a widespread viral illness that affects a vast number of people and numerous nations. Social media refers to websites and software that emphasize collaboration, engagement, information exchange, and community-based input. Youth is the transitional phase from childhood's dependency to adulthood's independence.

The methodology of this study includes research participants, research locale, respondents of the study, sampling technique, research design, descriptive research, research instrument - online survey, data gathering procedure, and statistical treatment of data.


Upgrade Magazine (2018).

The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) titled Digital Consumers, Emerging Markets, and the $4 Trillion Future.

In 2019, the usage of the internet globally speed up, with about 3.48 billion individuals being active on social media. This figure reflects an increase of over 10% from the previous year. The data was sourced from We Are Social UK and published by Kemp, S.

An infographic by Digital Marketing Philippines revealed the state of Digital Marketing in the Philippines. The report by Gregorio, J highlighted the widespread use of digital marketing in the country. It also showed the various areas of digital marketing that businesses in the Philippines are focused on.

Zenodo published a paper on the influence of social media marketing on Filipino buying behavior. The paper, authored by Arellano, G. M. S., Leonor, A. C. D., Palmares, C. B., & Santos, K. K. D. C, revealed the effect of social media on the purchasing patterns of Filipinos.

Another study by unknown authors investigated the impact of social media on consumer buying behavior specifically at Ho Technical University, Ho. The study revealed how social media can impact the decision-making process of individuals and influence their purchasing choices.

Regarding the retail market in the Philippines, most Filipinos reportedly rely on social media for guidance when making purchases and conduct direct e-commerce. An article by Upgrade Magazine cited this trend in a report which featured statistics about the country's retail market, which is heavily influenced by social media.

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