- Category: Business
- Topic: Corporations
Toyota Motor Corporation, headquartered in Aichi, Japan, is the largest Japanese multinational automotive manufacturer. Since 1997, the company has been promoting the adoption of hybrid vehicles across the globe, making it an early leader in the field. The focus on sustainable mobility and creating a more diverse and inclusive society has become the most critical point in recent years. In 1998, Toyota established guiding principles to manage philosophy, values, and vision to provide reliable products and services, sustainable development of society, and global social impact.
Sustainable sourcing:
Toyota has faced significant difficulties in recent times, with increasing attention on environmental changes, especially the trend of going green. Hence, Toyota emphasizes sustainable development without harming the natural environment further. To fulfill the Toyota Green purchasing policy, sustainable sourcing strategies have been established. Business partners and suppliers are welcome to do business with Toyota as long as they align with Toyota's green policies. Evaluations are based on their strengths in quality, technological capabilities, safety, environmental goals, greenhouse gas emissions, impact on water environment, resource recycling, and establishment of a society in harmony with nature.
Sustainable manufacturing processes:
Toyota has set a five-year action plan to reduce the negative impact on the environment aimed at achieving the year 2050. To support equal employment opportunities, Toyota has implemented more diverse and inclusive hiring strategies, and discrimination based on personal characteristics is not tolerated in any employment processes, from hiring to training. Toyota also respects and honors human rights and strives to maintain a fair and healthy work environment for all employees.
Toyota's core idea is to produce better products while contributing to society based on innovative ideas, dynamism, and technology. The company's aim is to realize a sustainable society through environmental and social impact challenges. Through the establishment of guiding principles, sustainable sourcing strategies, and sustainable manufacturing processes, Toyota is deeply committed to creating a better future while supporting society's sustainable development.
1. Toyota. Vision & Philosophy.
2. Toyota. Profile: Toyota.
3. Toyota. Supplier CSR Guidelines.
4. Tabuchi, H. (2021, April 10). Toyota’s Electric-Car Boom Takes Shape In Japan, But Can It Compete?
5. Toyota. Environmental Challenge 2050.
6. Ethical Trading Initiative. Base Code.
Toyota spearheads the Car-to-Car recycling project, which is based on the 3R concept of reduce, reuse, and recycle. This is done to mitigate resource scarcity and tackle global warming. The project is aimed at using fewer materials to cut down on resource risks. By reusing parts of end-of-life vehicles in good condition, the automaker aims to reduce waste. Recyclable materials with low CO2 emissions are used wherever possible.
To reduce resource loss in plants, Toyota promotes activities that measure and set targets to meet customer demands. Yield improvement is monitored, and disassembly tasks are tracked using dismantle marks. The automaker measures supplier consolidations from upstream to downstream, including partners, dealers, and suppliers, to improve quality standards and reduce negative environmental impacts throughout the vehicle life cycle.
Toyota and its suppliers have a Green Purchasing Guidelines and offer training on environmental issues. Self-assessment tools are in place to evaluate risk management and activities, providing improvement advice to reduce negative environmental impacts during product life cycle. Toyota maintains a stable, long-term relationship with suppliers and stipulates adherence to safety, quality, productivity, technological capabilities, and cost-effectiveness.
Toyota adopts the Toyota Production System (TPS) to enhance productivity and manufacture high-quality vehicles in a timely manner. The system relies on two principles, "jidoka," which requires machines to stop when safety hazards arise, and "Just-in-Time," which involves producing only the required quantities of products for the next process. TPS enhances quality and eliminates waste in every phase of production.
Toyota's product development and manufacturing processes are benchmarked in the manufacturing industry. The automaker aims to maintain its status as the most productive, effective, and competitive industry player. By prioritizing customer perceived value and improving product quality through green technology, Toyota will eliminate CO2 emissions and enhance its reputation as an industry leader.
1. TOYOTA. (n.d.). Vision & Philosophy. Retrieved from https://global.toyota/en/company/vision-and-philosophy/
2. TOYOTA. (n.d.). Toyota Production System. Retrieved from https://global.toyota/en/company/vision-and-philosophy/production-system/
3. Krishna, A., & V Nair, S. (2018). Toyota Production System as a Benchmark to Improve Business Productivity, 3(1), 1–5. https://ijisrt.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/Toyota-Production-System-As-A-Benchmark-To-Improve-Business-Productivity.pdf
4. The New York Times. (2021, July 25). Toyota Led on Clean Cars. Now Critics Say It Works to Delay Them. Retrieved from https://ghostarchive.org/archive/KNbeV
5. Toyota Motor Corporation Official Global Website. (2019, November 5). Overview | Profile | Company. Retrieved from https://global.toyota/en/company/profile/overview/
In December 2012, TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION released its Supplier CSR Guidelines, consisting of six key principles to guide its suppliers towards better corporate social responsibility practices. The document can be found on the company's global website and aims to encourage suppliers to align with Toyota's commitment to sustainability and ethical practices. The guidelines cover areas such as human rights, labor practices, environmental impact, and business ethics, among others. These principles serve as a framework for Toyota's suppliers worldwide to adopt responsible practices that align with the company's values and create sustainable value for all stakeholders.