Master's in Data Science
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According to Tim Berners-Lee, data is a valuable asset that can outlast any system. The advancements in computer and tec...
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Language and Culture
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Our ability to cooperate in large groups and perceive the world through language is what sets humans apart from gorillas...
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The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Business
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Answer all questions and ensure that each answer is no longer than 500 words (any writing above 500 words for any one qu...
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Application of Bayesian Networks in Environmental Modelling
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Bayesian Networks (BNs), also known as Bayesian Belief Networks (BBNs) and Belief Networks, are probabilistic graphical ...
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The Role of Context and Language in Evaluating Knowledge
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Joe Biden's viral interview is an excellent illustration of how contextual factors can impact the acceptance or rejectio...
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The Future of Data and Information
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The future of data and information is looking to be more unified, flexible, and accessible for users. Similar to the mas...
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