The Role of Context and Language in Evaluating Knowledge
  • Category: Education , Information Science and Technology , Life
  • Topic: Learning , Experience

Joe Biden's viral interview is an excellent illustration of how contextual factors can impact the acceptance or rejection of knowledge. The context within which the interview was conducted, as well as the language used by Biden, strongly affected how his message was received by different audiences.(12)

For example, supporters of Biden were more likely to accept and appreciate his message, while those who disagreed with him may have dismissed his message entirely. In contrast, people who do not necessarily have a strong stance on Biden's political views might be persuaded or dissuaded based on the particular aspects of his message and his mannerisms during the interview.(13) Thus, the receiver's pre-existing opinions, values, and beliefs, combined with the context in which the message is delivered, are the two most influential factors when it comes to the acceptance or rejection of knowledge. (14)

In conclusion, language plays a significant role in the acceptance or rejection of knowledge. The context within which information is presented, as well as the personal beliefs, values, and attitudes of the audience, both play important roles in shaping how we interpret and comprehend knowledge. As a result, there is a need for effective communication that takes these factors into consideration to ensure the most constructive dissemination of information possible.(15)

In this case, viewers' perceptions of the clip were influenced by their background and political stance, particularly those who were already skeptical of Biden or held different political beliefs. The individuals who shared the video clip and their political leanings must be taken into account as they may have contributed to the biased presentation of the clip. Moreover, the wording and discussion accompanying the clip may have influenced how viewers understood Biden's comment, which was deemed dismissive and condescending by many due to the use of colloquial language. The larger context of the interview where the remark was made must also be considered as some viewers may have viewed it as an unsuccessful attempt at humor and rejected the message.

This example highlights the impact of language and context on how people perceive and accept information. The sharing and interpretation of the video clip differed among individuals with varying backgrounds and opinions, emphasizing the significance of context and language in evaluating knowledge.


1. Waterford Institute of Technology Library Guides: Evaluating Information: Information from the Internet

2. Kognity App

3. The Washington Post: The Uncle Sam 'I Want You' Poster Is 100 Years Old. Almost Everything about It Was Borrowed.

4. Kognity App: Intuition and Cognitive Biases

5. Kognity App: How do Perspectives Affect Our Knowledge?

6. SPH On Knowledge and Values Comments: On Knowledge and Values

7. Medium: How to Engage Your Readers' Emotions

8. Kognity App: Intuition and Cognitive Biases

9. Writing for Success 1st Canadian Edition: Chapter 10. Persuasion.

Task: Rewrite the provided text in better words and make it unique with natural language.

Here are some possible rewrites of the given texts:

(11) Pöhls, R. L. Victoria, and Mariane Utudji explore the impact of textual features on reader experience in their enlightening study "Powerful Prose." The study can be accessed online at

(12) The Kognity app offers students a comprehensive study resource for the theory of knowledge component of the International Baccalaureate program. Grade 11 students in the IBDP-1-D can access the "Big Picture" module by signing into the Kognity app.

(13) Bryan McKersie posits that researchers' beliefs can significantly affect their decision-making processes in their research projects. His insightful observations can be found on his LinkedIn profile.

(14) The "Handbook for Journalism Education and Training" is a must-read for aspiring journalists seeking to navigate the complex terrain of journalism in the era of fake news and disinformation. Edited by Cherilyn Ireton and Julie Posetti, the handbook is available online at

(15) Cassie Wright's article "Context and Culture in Language Learning" explores the vital role of culture and context in language learning. She argues that a deep understanding of culture and context can enhance learners' retention and comprehension of language. The article is available on the Lingoda blog.

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