Why I Choose to Study at Newcastle University
Since I was young, I have had an inherent ability to understand the intricacies of numbers and figures. I recognize that...
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Linear Regression
Linear regression is a statistical technique used to measure the average relationship between two or more variables in t...
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Design of a Safe Cage for a Honda Unicorn 160
Figure 1: SOLIDWORKS (Part) Model depicts the design process for the safe cage by creating a curve using the Spline func...
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The Impact of COVID-19 on the Construction Industry
As I wander through bustling cities, I can't help but marvel at the structures towering above me and ponder over the fou...
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Work Ethics of Baby Boomers and Generation Z
A cohort is a distinct group whose identification factors may include age, birth year, place of residence, and significa...
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Management Roles and Responsibilities
The School of Business and Management under the Faculty of Business and Tourism offers a Bachelor of Business Entreprene...
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